Loretta won Mare’s Field Saddle Test
We are pleased to announce that the mare LORETTA after Lorio from LAETITIA after Ephesus bred in Bielin won Mare’s Field Saddle Test in Drzonków.
This mare was purchased last year by Mrs. Agatha Gil, who also starts as a contestant on this mare.
See. Results: http://www.zhkzl.pl/news15_add.htm
Season of carriage driving competitions is fast approaching
Last year was abundant in the sale of horses in SK Bielin. Waldemar Kaczmarek due to high demand for his horses, sold his two main couples. At the moment he has already assembled a group of young horses, which will start in competitions. Currently the training focuses on individual work with each horse. This gives the chance to form their skills in order to have easier contact with horses in the future.
At present we are training six horses. All are endowed with good psyche and a very good movement which is necessary for carriage driving on a championship level. Of course, all horses were breed Bielin SK. Here are some pictures from the training.